Hi, I'm Ryan.

I design. I code. I blog.

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Your Content: Ain’t Nobody Got Time For That!

Your content sucks

I’m sorry, it’s over. It’s not me, it’s you—rather your content. It’s boring, unimaginative, long-winded, and makes no sense. What are you even trying to say? I have “the talk” with websites every day. I get wooed by a catchy title, but it’s a complete let down once I start reading. Sound familiar?

What’s Your Porn Name?

What's Your Porn Name?

You’ve probably seen this joke make the rounds on Facebook a few times now. Take something like your mom’s maiden name, the street you grew up on, maybe the name of your first pet—put them together and what do you get? Your porn name! Hilarious, right? Wrong. Those same questions are the same ones many websites use for security to verify who you are. Oops?

Justice Is Served…By The Media?

Today we learned the fate of Timothy Lau, a 21 year old who was part of the Stanley Cup riot in 2011. He faced four charges, more than anyone else who took part that day. You do the crime, you face the time, right? Well, not unless the media made your crime too public, then you’re off the hook. Lau got a 4 month sentence. Since when does the media exact justice?

Creative Cloud Gets Hacked

Adobe Creative Cloud Hacked

That didn’t take long. It was great to wake up to an email this morning from Adobe Customer Care, the subject line “Important Customer Security Alert.” Looks like Adobe got hacked, and I’m not alone—there are 2.9 million others in the same boat.

Social Media = Spoilers

Social Media = Spoilers

Remember when you had to be home at a certain time to watch your favourite TV show? Not anymore! The freedom is great, right? Well, not always. Thanks to social media, your friends can wreck everything—but it’s not just them. Now the shows themselves can do much worse.